The return of the Tiny Testbatch is back and with an absolute triumphant return! Tango in Morocco is my first attempt at a Moroccan themed sauce and I tried to copy a classic chutney build and then spice it up with classic indigenous herbs. Garlic, roasted tomatoes and candied carrots are the vegetable base. Jalapeños, habaneros, and homemade Harrisa from a mix of four different bell pepper varieties is the pepper base. Sugar cane, salt, cilantro, paprika, and cumin are mixed with a metric shit ton of caraway seeds for the spice base!! Finally, Unfiltered Apple cider and bourbon barrel aged vinegars are used to blend the mix. The result is absolutely PERFECT. There’s nothing I would change about this sauce. It’s a mild 4/10 but it’s so flavorful that it stays on your tongue for 20 minutes!! Chicken, fish, any rice dish, red meat…literally ANYTHING is better with this on it! Mom says it’s even good on a spoon and she doesn’t like mild sauces normally!!! This is not to be missed!