Regular price $10.00

Here’s Something I’ve wanted to do for a while but needed to stock up 17 pounds of peppers and 3 people working 10 hours each to make it happen!!! The end of the season has been good to us and so in hopes of getting to you before Christmas I present to you “Julius’ Jelly” a hot pepper jelly. 
This is the absolute perfect combination of sweet and heat. There’s only 5 ingredients so that the peppers themselves could shine through. We used sweets, milds, hots, and just a few super hots and used fruit pectin. The result is a vegan jelly that starts sweet and finishes with a brilliant heat. A perfect addition to any meat as a Basting element or atop a cracker with a little cheese. This is the perfect compliment to any sharkcoochiery board. Only 4OZ jars left.